Staff Awareness & Training
Your people are your first line of defence. Providing your staff with awareness and training is a key piece of your overall security strategy.
Assess Risk
We can accurately detect phishing risk using real emails that attackers might send to employees in your business. Automate simulation creation, payload attachment, user targeting, schedule, and clean up.
Improve user behaviour
Cyber security awareness training is a form of education that teaches employees how to identify, prevent and respond to cyber threats, it remediates risk and is designed to change behaviour.
The goal is to create a culture of security awareness within your business, so that all employees are better equipped to protect their organisation from cyber-attacks.
Evaluate Progress
While measuring the effectiveness of security awareness training can be challenging, it is a crucial aspect of determining the overall impact of training on improving users’ security behaviour. Track your organisation’s progress against a baseline-predicted compromise rate. .